304 style interview alfiebanks®

We are moving closer to our launch date of 304 style and we are incredibly excited to begin working with alfiebanks®.”

“In the final build up we have asked a few questions to let our audience know what alfiebanks® is all about.”

304# style

1. What was the journey for alfiebanks®; from idea to established streetwear brand?

The idea of alfiebanks® started out as a small time hobbie, a creative outlet alongside my architectural design firm sdb. However when I dropped sdb. to travel with my girlfriend, I found myself with more spare time to work on alfiebanks® and could see the brand had potential to become something bigger.

Throughout 8 months of travelling I drew inspiration from people, culture, sport and music. The hardest part was narrowing down exactly what I wanted alfiebanks® to become, so we made a business plan and got a ton of design concepts down.

The autumn/winter collection has been finalised and is due for release in September 15. Even though a solid plan is in place for the future path of alfiebanks®, I wouldn’t like to say the brand is fully established until we get through a few seasons.

2. What/who would you say has influenced your style and design?

Much of the inspiration for alfiebanks® stems from my appreciation for sports, music, travel and culture. After returning home from 8 months away I realised many of the cultures I experienced existed right here in London, a world within a city. London is one of the most ethically diverse cities in the world and alfiebanks® plans to celebrate our hugely diverse capital city throughout some of our future collections.

3. What statement do you feel your clothing makes?

Refreshing streetwear with a sport, music and travel influence promoting simple but bold designs.

4.What can we expect to see from alfiebanks® in the future? Both in terms of future collections and your development as a brand?

Expect to see more from us. We will be attending music and sports events, endorsing athletes and organising pop up shops so you can come and say hello. As far as future collections, we are in the midst of working on some very special pieces.

After a few seasons have passed we intend to stock alfiebanks® in additional online stores along with high street boutiques.

5. What’s been your best moment with alfiebanks® so far?

When the brand came together, knowing the direction it was heading and the reasons why.

6. Collaborations and capsule pieces are huge at the moment like Supreme x Northface® and BWGH x Puma. If you could pick brand for a collaboration with, who would it be? Why?

We would like to collaborate with a company that would complement the simplicity of alfiebanks®. Swedish brand Monokel Eyewear and alfiebanks® would be a great collaboration.

7. Sum up your brand in 3 words.

Authentic, Diverse, Refreshing



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